Reading for life in the length of the limited within the broad, delusions. 阅读让人生在有限的长度内,宽广辽远。
The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them. 生命的价值不在于能活多少天,而在于如何使用这些日子。
Remember that life's length is not measured by its hours and days, but by that which we have done therein. 生命的长短不是以小时和天来计算,而是用我们有生之年的所作所为来衡量。
I don't want to get to the end of my life and find that I have lived just the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well. 当我生命濒于尽头,我不想只握有着生命的长度,而是应当活出生命的宽度。
Battery life length is mainly something subjective. 电池的使用时间主要是基于主观的评价。
The only sign of life being an ugly-looking black goat on a short length of rope tied to a tree in a field nearby. 唯一的生命迹象是附近田里一只面目可憎的黑山羊,用一截短绳拴在一棵树上。
For they are our life and length of days. 因它们是我们的生命,使我们日子久长。
They have begun their work and life, look after sheeps; Near bonfire, length is talked about, is liked joyfully in tent. 他们开始了他们的工作和生活&看着绵羊;在篝火旁长谈,在帐篷里欢爱。
A China Life manager said the lecturer had spoken at length about spies but said he could not remember details because the speech was so long. 中国人寿的一位经理称,讲座中谈论间谍的篇幅很长,但他回忆不起细节,因为那次讲座太长了。
The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them; a man may live long, yet get little from life. 生命的价值不在于寿命长短,而在于如何善用时光;人或许可以长命百岁,但却一事无成。
This means quality of life in all respects: not just length of life but the ability to enjoy it. 这意味着生活质量的各个方面:不只是长度的生活,但有能力享受它。
The thermal cycle dwell time, thermal cycle temperature range and the maximum dwell temperature were changed to observe their effects on the thermal fatigue life of solder joint; the length and thickness of substrate were also changed to research the dimension effect. 通过改变热循环保温时间、温度范围和最高温度,研究各参数对焊点热疲劳寿命的影响,同时也考察了基板的长度和厚度的影响。
In addition, for the parametric setting where the life distribution under the progressive stress is two parameter Weibull distribution, the tampered coefficient is investigated and the survival function of its life length is also derived for the tampered random variable ( TRV) model. 另外针对TRV模型,在序加试验下就两参数Weibull分布给出了损伤系数,同时给出了产品寿命的残存函数。
The total time on test transform measuring the mean service life length at quartile is used to characterize some partial orderings for comparing the degree of aging properties of life distributions. 利用TTT变换度量元件在某一分位点处的平均服役年龄来刻画一些用来比较同一寿命分布类中年龄特征强弱的偏序。
The influence of water supplies on agriculture, industry and people's life is discussed at some length in this paper. 本文讨论了水资源对吉林省工农业生产和人民生活的影响。
Normal somatic cells have a finite life span due to their inability to maintain telomere length and chromosome stablity. 正常体细胞在细胞分裂过程中由于无法维持端粒的长度和染色体的稳定而衰老、死亡。
【 Purpose 】 In order to lengthen the shelf life of the barley, control the length of the malt sprout, and increase the production of beer, the effects of irradiation on the germination of barley was studied, and the adequate dose of irradiation was determined. 【目的】为了延长啤酒大麦的保藏期和控制大麦的叶芽长度,提高啤酒产量,本课题分析辐照后对啤酒大麦各项指标的影响,以便确定合适的辐照剂量,为啤酒企业发展寻求经济效应。
Minimum model life length concept is introduced, and used together with the maneuver detection result to control model switch. 在该方法中引入了模型最短生存期概念,即利用模型最短生存期和机动检测结果联合控制VDF模型切换,改善VDF的滤波性能。
Some characteristics of bivariate reversed mean residual life length 二元反平均剩余寿命的一些性质
Maximun Likelihood Estimate from Life Length Data 基于寿命期间数据的极大似然估计
The best pH value of PEGS as additive is 6.0.With appling the working electrolyte which contains the synthesized PEGS in the aluminum electrolytic capacitor, we research its capacitance, leakage current, loss tangent, life and other properties by length of life test. 用含PEGS的工作电解液应用到铝电解电容器中,通过寿命试验,对铝电解电容器的电容量、漏电流、损耗正切值、寿命等性能进行研究。
The spectrum self-adapting algorithm is presented. The impact of flue dust to the received light is solved by adjusting the integration time automatically. And the life length of the source is increased. 研究光谱自适应算法,通过自动调整积分时间,解决烟道中的粉尘含量对接受光强的影响,并提高光源的使用寿命。
Chestnut Preservation experiments at room temperature for two size level shown that: size of chestnut had no effect on shelf life length; A comparation of good rate on two varieties of chestnut revealed that chestnut from Donglan had better Storage characteristic. 板栗分大小级常温保鲜试验结果表明:隆安板栗大小对板栗常温贮藏货架期长短无影响;两个品种板栗的好果率比较分析表明:东兰板栗较隆安板栗贮藏特性更优良。
Paper re-defined the artificial behaviors in original fish-swarm algorithm and defined the concept of artificial fish life length and then proposed a new fish-swarm algorithm according, and then paper proposed the routing steps based on new fish-swarm algorithm. 论文首先对原始鱼群算法中人工鱼的行为进行了重新定义以及定义了人工鱼生命长度这一概念从而形成新的鱼群算法,然后给出了组网算法的具体步骤。
Innovative products can be categorized into technological innovative products and fashion innovative products according to their life cycle length, demand characteristic and required responsiveness. 根据产品生命周期的长短、需求特性和市场要求的响应性的差别,把创新产品细分为技术创新产品和时尚创新产品。
The value of life lies not in the length of the. 人生的价值不在于生命之长短。
There are many aspects of disputation about euthanasia, including if people have the rights of death, which is more important of life quality and life length, and if euthanasia could lead to the moral corruption. 安乐死的争议是多方面的,包括人是否有死亡的权利、生命质量与寿命长短哪个更重要,以及安乐死是否会引起道德滑坡。
LED not only has many advantages, such as small size, long life, low energy consumption, securing wave length and low production of heat, but also can emit the exact spectrum based on the need of plant. LED不仅具有体积小、寿命长、耗能低、波长固定与低发热等优点,而且还能根据植物需要进行发光光谱的精确配置,实现传统光源无法替代的节能、环保和空间高效利用等功能。
As our country has a large population and finitude land resource, we can prolong the life length of building to realize the sustained development by increasing storey and rebuilding the built building. 我国是一个人口众多、土地资源有限的国家,通过对既有建筑的增层和加固改造可以提高建筑的使用年限,实现可持续发展。